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Why Vote?

Oh no, another elections. Right now I feel like I am surrounded by elections on everyside. Manitoba and British Columbia had civic elections last year, the Yukon had a territorial election and most provinces are approaching provincial elections in the next 18 months. Adding on to this, all the federal parties have either just finished a leadership election or are heading into one. Attendance has dropped significantly over the last 4 federal elections. To top it all off I just got a letter from my credit union about their board of directors. And so, you ask yourlself, "With all the other elections I have to deal with, why should I vote for the M.E.C. Board?" It is a valid question.

* Because Your Vote Counts.

If our southern neighbours have taught us anything in their last election it is that votes can come down to the wire and your vote matters.

* Because It Works.

The reason there are stores Edmonton, Halifax, Winnipeg and soon Montreal has to do with the vision of board members. This is also the reason why the Environent Fund was set up and why the M.E.C. Support Expeditions.

* Because We Aren't The Gap.

Unlike other retail stores, we can decide what happens with our profits, what products are carried, what organizations we support, if stores are placed in strip malls or in the downtown core.

* Because We Can.

We live in a country that allows us to open a co-op and run it ourselves.

Even if you don't like what you see here and want to vote for someone else, please do vote.

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How do I vote?

If you go to the M.E.C. web page you can request an election package.

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Why Vote?

How Do I Vote?